
The Ficly Server Support Project

I’m not exactly sure how to start this, but here I go anyway. Ficly’s now been live for about two months – and the response has been amazing. I couldn’t be happier with where we are with the site or the plans we have to make things better. I think you all know the story behind Ficly’s creation, so I won’t bore you by repeating it. This isn’t about the past… It’s about the future – and I need your help.

Ficly isn’t backed by a big company. It’s back by two guys with day jobs and a passion for writing and community. There are costs associated with keeping Ficly up and running – which I’m fine with paying, but I wanted to see if you guys would help shoulder the burden. It’s not much.

I started a project on Kickstarter. Think of it as a pledge drive, just like on Public Radio – but without the constant interruptions or awkward video of volunteers manning a phone bank. My goal is to raise $800 in the next month – which will pay for Ficly’s hosting for the next year – both co-location and the storage we’re using on Amazon.

There’s no threat that Ficly will go away if the pledge drive fails. I’ll still pay the bills. I just want to see if you’d be willing to help. The minimum pledge is $1, and if we don’t get enough pledges to cover the $800, then no one’s out any money.

If you could take a couple minutes to check out the project on Kickstarter and give what you can (be sure to check out the rewards – and I even made an awful video), I’d appreciate it.



  • Stovohobo

    I don’t have any way of getting moolah to you, but I’ll see if I can get my parents to send maybe $20. Good luck!

  • Aurelia

    Will do what I can!

  • Mighty-Joe Young (A.K.A Strong Coffee)(LoA)

    come on man you know we can do this ill do twenty also

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    I’ll toss in $20 as soon as I get paid, if everything works out right.

    Thank you so much for Ficly. You’ve brought my muse back to life, and even though she’s technically undead she’s still pretty witty and sly, just like before.

    I’ll always be grateful. Also, if there’s any way I could help out (coding, ideas, whatever) I’d be happy to.

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    Currently 3 supporters with $170 in the bag. Things are looking good for Ficly!

  • Jessica Cahill

    Done and done. :)

  • Marli

    I’m in too. Gotta figure out how to get it there. Perhaps by kangaroo mail/postal note o.k.?

  • THX 0477

    I love a good experiment!

  • DoItForScience

    Supported! Now hopefully I can sell some of my ficly’s for a few nickels…

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    I think that once a year a Ficly Compilation should be sold in stores, exhibiting the Best Of The Best (as voted on by the users). Part of the proceeds could go to each featured author in the book, and the rest could go to server upkeep.

    And we could have contests, too, with special prizes! Ficly stickers, shirts, email addresses? I don’t know.

    But definitely the book idea. I’d love a copy. The Year’s Best Ficlets 2009

  • Kevin Lawver

    Thanks, everybody!! In less than 18 hours, we have over %25 of the total pledged!!

    And Eloquent Mess, we have plans for print stuff… they’re on the to-do list!!

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    Awesome! Like I said before, if there’s anything I can do to help let me know. I might be all the way over here on Saturn, but with the glory of the internet I’m only seconds away from anywhere.

  • blusparrow (LoA)

    I’ll put some cash in! I love you guys and this site so I’m gonna show my devotion =)

  • K-Jellybean

    If this doesn’t work, you could always install a Paypal option for donations to the site from visitors and that would help with monthly bills. It’s what a lot of fanfiction sites do and it seems to work. On small sites, the webmaster/webmistress will match whatever donation is given at the end of the month and that tends to cover the bill + extra.

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    Wow! Almost $500 and it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet! Let’s keep this ball rolling, everyone!

  • April Raines

    I would love to donate, but I’m unwilling to create yet another account just for that purpose. :( If you ever have something on PayPal I can donate to, I’d be more than happy to.

  • Jason Garber

    Thanks to everyone who has chipped in so far. We greatly appreciate your continued love and support!

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    Only $205 to go!

  • Ana Cristina

    I will most definitely be supporting!

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    $155 and counting!

  • Coccinella

    I can also throw $20 into the pot – just a question of how to get it there. Can Ficly get a google checkout account? or paypal or something?

  • Kevin Lawver

    Thanks for all the support. As to the questions about paypal or google checkout – I’m using kickstarter because I think it’s a great idea and a great way to do pledge drives without any risk. If we don’t make the goal, no one loses any money. I understand people not wanting a bunch of different accounts, but Amazon’s as reputable as they come – and they don’t spam you. If this pledge drive works, I might do something ongoing with PayPal or Google Checkout, but let’s see how this goes. If you can’t support us this time because you won’t join Amazon, that’s OK – really.

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    If the campaign here doesn’t work out, I’ll still make my donation through paypal once you set it up. Love this site!

  • Ronnie

    I’ll toss a couple bucks in the pot. Does this mean I’m like 1/100th owner of the site now? I’m gonna start flexing my power and charge money to join. I’ll be rich!

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    Ronnie, don’t you know that all stockholders get a vote? And, of course, the site’s owners own 51% of the stock, so there’s no way to pass anything without their approval. They’ve always got a majority!


  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    Only $150 to go, and we’ve still got 29 days left…

  • Tyrannical TeaCup

    This is pretty awesome stuff, and you rarely see a community work together like this! Kickstarter, huh? I haven’t heard of it before but I’ll take a look in a bit. You guys are pretty cool. :]

  • .:Band Baby:.

    i don’t know if i’ll be able to donate anything because i’m low on money myself… but i’ll check it out and try my hardest! anything to help out =)

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    C’mon guys, if you can’t donate then try getting your friends to do so!

  • Eloquent Mess {(LoA)}

    Ha, someone’s clever… 20 donations for a total of…



    Alright, so $134 to go!

  • The Note Writer


  • StudMuffin (LoA)

    I got my mammy to donate

  • StudMuffin (LoA)

    We totally owe the fact that the rest of the money was made to Cocinellas challenge,
    before that, it was like 60 bucks short.