

She breathes in deep, then breathes out heavily. Her eyes stare at the screen determindley, her fingers poised, ready for action.

Ok, she thinks, it’s just 1024 characters. That’s all, it’s not long, you can do this. It’s easy!

3 years ago she had ambitions of being a famous author by now. She hadn’ gone to college, just tried to write. She hadn’t even written one thing yet. But now she had a target. 1024 characters to show the world exactly how fantastic an author she was. She smiled and her fingers gently typed at the keys as she stared at the number count start to go down. She stopped. What now?

There once was a girl named Lucy. She woke up in the morning and ate some cereal for breakfast. She went to school………

Frustrated she started shouting abuse a t the computer, at the internet, at the website. She stopped and started again.

5 days later…..

The piece is finally finished, all 1024 characters.

Now maybe, she’ll fulfill her dream and it’s all down to Ficly

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