

The guys next to me, on the conveyor belt or on the routes, they talk about what a great company this is to work for.
They talk about what a great job this is to have.
But the company, it dangles a carrot in front of you and doesn’t let you closer for five to ten years.
I’m not young enough to think that five to ten years is a small, fast, or expendable period of time.
I need to have a clear goal, ideas to move towards, and rewards I can reach. Otherwise, I’m just wasting my time and plodding along at things I may never see the pay-off for.

“What’s the point?” I ask, out loud.

Why waste my time?
Why not hit the road?
See the world.
Experience the experiences.
See the sights.
Hear the sounds.
Feel the textures.
Go through the emotions.

Why stagnate? Why grow moss? Why search out shackles that don’t have a hold upon you?
Clearly, you were meant for the road and for the adventure.
Let others be sedentary.
Let others grow roots.
Let others be tied down.

You, go and live.
You, go and travel.

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