
LIFE: A Memoir 6

As we were all walking home, Lennon pulls out some cigarettes and a lighter. “Yo, Lennon. Let me have a swig from that” the one girl said. “Damn hold on Destiny. I didn’t even get it lit yet.” She told her. What the hell? I thought. “Sam, you want one?” She asked. I thought for a moment, trying to recollect my thoughts. If I do it, I won’t be thought of as a panzy. But if I don’t I’ll be a panzy. “Nah. I gotta go home and I don’t wanna get my ass kicked for smellin’ like smoke.” I told her. At least I didn’t lie. My father would kill me if he knew I had been smoking. “Alright”, she said, and we walked the rest of the way, with her and the others just taking puffs of cigarettes from each other.

I decided the next day was going to be different. I should try new things. So when Lennon and I were walking home, she pulled out a cigarette and lit it. “Hey, can I have one?” I asked. She looked at me kind of puzzled and said, “Yeah. Sure”. She took one out and gave it to me. I lit it and inhaled. I coughed. A lot.

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