
Meanwhile, In Another Kingdom Not So Very Far Away

The Denar prince read the report with growing concern. When he finally looked up from the glowing scroll sent by one of his Mages there was fury in his eyes.

“By the gods! What do they think they’re doing?” he yelled.

Kerion, his guardian and most trusted adviser, ran her eye over the scroll. “Things have gotten a little out of hand.”

“Out of hand? They’re kidnapping royalty! It’s only a matter of time before Juno declares war on us and I will not allow my people to suffer. Not again. Not after all this time.”

“But my lord, you know how dependent your councillors are on their herbs. It was unwise to send them. Their judgement is clouded.”

“Damn Loreon and damn his daughter!” The prince turned his eyes towards the ceiling and thought. “Keri, we will need horses. The fastest you can get. I must go and salvage whatever I can from this situation.”

“Are you sure that is wise my lord?”

“Not at all but what choice do I have?”

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