
My Name is Cora, and I'm here to kill you.

“and I’m here to kill you.” Cora said as the silver blade sank into the vampire’s ancient heart.

Like so many others, it had been too easy. They were attracted to her in a way that humans were attracted to them. Predators changed into prey with a glance from her eyes, taken in completely by her innocent appearance and supernatural charms. Like a fish striking an appealing meal only to find it barbed with hooks, they died in a state of shock.

She could smell them. It was a stench like rotten meat and perfume. Some sort of mixed smell that came from her mixed lineage, one side of her smelling them as they were and one side smelling them as they wanted to be. So strong, the smell was, that she had to teach herself to fight the revulsion and feign interest. Others only smelled the pleasant scent, and not the rot, with each person smelling something slightly different.

Her mother, oblivious to who Cora’s wayward father truly was, always asked about the chocolate chip cookie odor that lingered on her dress.

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