
Legend of Gabriél (6)

A few nights passed after the wonderful festival when the Prince came knocking on our door, but this time, he wasn’t begging for hospitality. I bowed down as soon as I saw him, the last thing I needed was to be beheaded. He chuckled and rose his hand and I got up.

Buenos días,” The Prince said to me with a smile.

“Good day to you too, Prince,” I said politely and opened the door wider to let him in. Mother and Father had gone to the market. The Prince walked in, confident in all of his steps, and examined the house.

“Lovely home you have here…” He trailed off, and waited for me to fill in with my name.

“Gabriél,” I said, “Perdón por lo que ocurrió en el festival,” I felt bad about the festival and had to ask for forgiveness.

“It’s fine, Gabriél,” The Prince said calmly as if it hadn’t bothered him at all.

“Can I ask you something?” I had to ask about the man in black. Mother and Father ignored my questions the previous nights in a row I had asked, and I was now more curious then ever.

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