
God Made This

I was almost 9 years old when my family took me and my brother camping in Northern Ontario. I didn’t know it at the time, but the trip was a complete disaster with broken teeth, melted shoes, and rain. I didn’t care, I was having fun being oblivious.

I woke up early one morning and exited the tent. I saw my mom coming out of the bushes behind our site. Another thing I didn’t know at the time, she just had another bout of morning sickness, which was the beginning of her 8 months being pregnant with my sister.

“Where’s Dad?” I asked.

“Over by the lake,” my mom replied as she went to the kitchen tent to prepare breakfast.

“Can I go talk to him?”

“Sure,” she smiled.

I walked down a short path to my dad who was praying on the small beach. The sun was rising behind the trees, the loons began their calls, and the lake was so calm I didn’t dare disturb it. He saw me and ushered me to him. He pulled me close and said, “Look Steve, God made this so you could enjoy this beautiful morning.”

I’m glad He did.

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