
The Second Inning

Unfortunately Buckeye, whose nickname was “Gobs,” was best known, when he is known at all, for two things. (1) Allowing two of Babe Ruth’s 60 home runs in 1927, the year the Sultan of Swat set his single-season home run record, (2) and being fat –which may have explained the transition to football—a sport of which God is also fond, but which can make better use of fat guys.

By 1931, as God watched, Gobs was playing for the first Milwaukee Brewers, which were in no way related to the modern team of the same name –the modern Brewers actually moved to Milwaukee from Seattle.

While playing with Milwaukee, the weighty mounds-man and his Brewer teammates got into a brawl with players from and fans of the Kansas City Blues after an apparent wild pitch knocked out a Blue named, Bill Dunlap.

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