

“Are you serious?” I whispered, staring into her eyes. “I thought you were saving it for someone special.”

“And Jacob isn’t special?” she asked, incredulous. Then her voice got low: “I thought you liked him.”

“I do.” Too much. “Only, you went out with Robbie for a whole year and didn’t… and you’ve only been with Jake for four months.” I rubbed the back of my neck. It was so uncomfortable just being near her now. I didn’t think I could ever get this guilt off my back.

“Robbie was a prick.”

“True.” He was. He had fucked Anabel. He didn’t even like Anabel! And she was Heather’s enemy since before time began. But he was nice in every other way. “You know your Dad wants you to save it ‘till you’re married.”

“Doesn’t every dad?” She paused and looked at me, and it felt like she was trying to study me. “Why are you pushing this so hard?”

How am I going to answer that without revealing it, or sounding like a jealous dick?

I was jealous, too. Right then, I would give anything to be as oblivious as her.

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