
Renewal 5

CC awoke from a nap between shifts at the bank. She wiped the drool from her cheek and reorganized the papers on her desk as she put up her hair, slid her pillow back under her table and got up to stretch. She opened the door to her modest office and walked to the employee break room. Sarah brought in cookies today, hm, stuck up bitch, I’m just going to try one to tell her how awful they are

CC took a bite and was angry at the fact that they tasted so good. Much better than her cookies ever tasted in fact. She took the entire plate and dumped it into the garbage and returned to her office.

Hours later she came home. The house was dark and Jackson was no where to be seen. She smiled at the opportunity must be working late again she picked up her cell and dialed Juan Sanchez.

“Hey my little dirty Sanchez, want to make me your little enchilada tonight?”

“I love it when you talk spanglish my gringo slut. I’ll be over soon.”

“Hey! Don’t call me a slut! I’m just…adventurous.”

“Whatever. See you in 5”

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