
New World Order

“There you are little Mike! We’re having a town meeting,” Marc says from the top of the perfectly placed wood stack. Seats from every house are placed in a row in front of Marc. Nicole and Charlotte are there, but Marie is out getting Ayden and Gabriel.

Unaware of the meeting, Ayden and Gabe continue their walk through the woods.

“Thanks for sticking up for me,” Gabriel says after a moment of silence.

“What? Oh, the Marc thing? Yeah, it’s no big deal,” Ayden says, hiding his smile by turning his face to the left. Gabriel smiles, knowing that Ayden is doing the same.

“Do you really think Charlie would just ditch us like that?” Gabriel asks.

“Charlie is too good of a person to do that,”

“That’s true. Nobody is good enough like him,”

“I know one person,”

“Who could that be?”

“Yo—” Marie suddenly walks out from behind a tree. She didn’t hear anything clearly, but she heard their voices and hurried to tell them about the meeting. Gabriel is curious on what Ayden was about to say, while Ayden is scared.

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