
#54 To Me 5 Years Ago...

To Me 5 years ago,

The next two years… I think you know they’re gonna be pretty rubbish. To be honest you don’t get proper friends until year 9. But when they come they’re going to be fantastic!
Don’t worry about Jenny. She may have been your best friend a week ago, but in five years she still won’t talk to you, but you’ll talk twice as fast and fifty times more than she does!

Paul,… Yeah, get over him. He’s a dick. A big one. At one point you’re going to tell him (or Freddie is going to tell him) that you like him. Just see the reaction. Then you’ll leave but it will be so much better!

Stop telling your ‘funny’ stories about your first name. People don’t like them.

Grow your hair out. You know you’ll cut it again eventually but for now we look uber-cute with our long tresses. We look a bit like a hippy!

Just know one thing: through the dark times that have yet to come, be strong, because one day you’ll find someone who’s been through the same, and you won’t feel so alone.

Till then…

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