
One Month Later

“You think we should maybe take off?” Mischa asked as Ben closed the door behind him. Mischa sat on the stone steps, her sun dress blowing in the warm breeze. “I’ve never seen them blow up like this before.”

Ben sat down checking his cell phone for the time, it was nearing 6pm. “I can’t, I’m his ride home.”

“I don’t mean take off, take off, just a quick getaway until they blow over. Rache won’t hold a grudge for long,” Mischa said.

“Neither can Adam. Okay, let’s go,” Ben said as they both got up. “Beach?”

“Sounds good,” Mischa said holding out her hand for Ben to hold. They both walked down the street and down the stone path towards the beach. When they walked about half a mile, Mischa rested her head against Ben’s shoulder. Ben wrapped his arm around her. “I love this time of day,” Mischa said silently.

Ben kissed her on the top of her head, he wanted to say what he’s been holding onto all day, “I love you.”

Mischa looked up and stared into his eyes, “I…I love you too.”

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