
An Autonomous Addiction

Caught in the death spasms of a dream turned drug I shiver

My addiction has turned against me

Hate in his eyes and fear in his soul he reaches for a hammer

His aim, to nail me in a fashion that would seer the passion out of any siren such as myself

With two swift movements my tongue and heart are punctured and bleeding

Blaming my cyclical blood for his actions he curses the universe

Unmoving he waits for luck or fate to take hold of his life and rescue him from his own self loathing, but neither comes and the only creature who truly loved him lies bleeding on the floor betrayed and wounded never to trust again, never to love again…for now.

I mourn for the soul he once had and the passion we shared, but I can no longer serve my addiction

From harem girl to shah I find myself liberated and empowered.

My autonomy serves me well and I find I am once again, learning to dance.

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