

I sat on the cold garden tile wondering what had happened the night before. The wind was blowing harshly, so I knew yesterday was something I didn’t want to know. I got up from the spot I was sitting and walked over to the house. Gently opening the door, I stepped in. My bare feet hitting each stone step as I went up to my room.
“Maybe you should try walking a little faster, the slower you go, the more sound you make.” Morana said. I didn’t reply to her, counting my slow paced walking. “Avery Marie are you listening to me?” Morana asked. “No Morana, I’m listening to your heart beat” I said sarcastically. “Well quit it now.” Morana said and slammed her door. I ran up into my room and lied in my bed. Afterward Morana checked on me to see if I was asleep. And I was.

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