
Door? What door?

“How do we get in? The doors locked” I stated with a raised eyebrow.
“Yeah, so? Since when did that ever stop us?” Stephanie asked wryly.
“What have you got this time?” I asked in exasperation. Her plans were always crazy. And when I say crazy, I mean… Well, you’ll see in a minute.

“Hang on, I’ll be right back. Just stay away from the door” she shouted over her shoulder as she ran off.
Ten minutes later, I hear the screech of rubber. “What the..?”
Twenty meters down the road, Stephanie was roaring up the street. But not in a car. No, that would have been too “normal”

I was a god-dammed RUBBISH TRUCK!

“Hell no” was all I was able to get out before she plowed through the front door of the mansion, taking most of the front wall with it.

See what I mean about crazy?

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