
The Badger at Knothole Tavern

The rabbit went straight from the store to the tavern, he had much to think about. The oak leaves let muted sunlight through the ceiling, however the rabbit sat at the darkest corner of the stone bar. The barkeep, a tortoise, dried out a mug as he walked up to the rabbit.

“What can I do for you Jakken?” The tortoise sat the now clean mug in front of the rabbit. “The usual?”

“No Harry, I am going to need something strong tonight.” The rabbit rubbed his forehead. “It has been a long day.”

The tortoise put the mug behind the counter “One of those days, eh?” The tortoise sat a shot glass in front of the rabbit and filled it with amber liquid. The rabbit downed the whiskey. “Leave the bottle would you?”

The tortoise grimaced as he sat the bottle down. “Don’t make a mess, ya here me?” The rabbit nodded and poured another.

A large badger sat down at the bar by the rabbit. “Mind if I join ye frien’?” the badger growled. The rabbit started to speak, but the badger cut him off “I know what ye have in that bag.”

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