
Into Flames

I placed my gun on the ground and after a quick search they took us to see the commanding officer, an unfriendly captain who did not look terribly pleased to see us.

“What are you doing on United States Military property?”
I saluted rather sloppily.
“Looking for safety, sir. Massive horde displacing due south, sir.”
He looked across the room at the officers behind us, but whatever reply he received must have been uncertain because he sat down and bid me continue. I looked at my companions, who mostly nodded at me.
“We almost hit them about twenty klicks from here at the old supply depot to the northeast. We got a solid visual on at least two-hundred and made a beeline north to get here.”
He looked at me with steely eyes.
“I’m afraid this compound doesn’t have the resources or the intention to safeguard civilians. We’re understrength as it is, our reinforcements have been due for weeks.”
I shrugged off my coat, revealing the uniform beneath.
“That’s my point, sir. We’re 75 Recon, sir. We’re all that’s left.”

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