

Naked, he ran on the beach.

Sand flew out as he sprinted over the detritus. The waves ebbed and flowed, and though he sometimes splashed his way through the spume, the chill of the water did not touch his warm beating heart.

The deepening dusk was gloriously divine. The heavens opened up to a brilliant full moon, hanging over the water, the reflection dancing, unleashed on the gentle waves. A perfect night, to end the best of days.

The tall limber figure let out a loud “Whoop!” as the reality of his newly won freedom sunk in. Forty years had he searched for it, and now it was his. But not his alone, not for long. He would bring that freedom back to his people, and show them what it was, and they would be free too.

Behind him, fading in the coming darkness, he left a fountain, chortling softly as some hidden spring found its way out of the deep hard rock. Beside the fountain, lay a pile of over sized, faded clothes that no longer fit. And vanishing in the shadow, a cane — discarded.

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