
Franklin. No name for a turtle.

“Franklin! You want to name a kid of mine FRANKLIN? Especially when no one else gets a name in this animal universe we have to choose the right name.
“There is only one way to settle this. We are gonna have a game of cards, the winner gets to choose the name.”
“O.K. If you are so het up about calling the baby Franklin, what name have you chosen to bestow on our son?”
" I have always followed the turtle bible so I choose BETH."
“BETH! what kind of name is that for a BOY?”
“Short for Bethlehem. Couldn’t label the boy with a long name so Beth fits just fine.”
“You deal Sue. Sue? You o.k. Sue? Sue???
“Franklin, you remind me so much of your father. He liked to play cards all the time.”

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