
Money is the only Religion in Politics

He ran as fast as he could, but his legs and lungs begged him stopped. His fat body fell on the ground gasping for breath; the knees and palms screaming with pain.
His clothes were torn, blood and sweat oozing from almost every part of his body. When the leader of the ‘in-power’ local political party, looked back, he saw two teenage boys standing behind him, panting heavily. One had a sword, other a large dagger; both red with fresh blood. Their eyes burnt with anger, just as the town burnt around them.

In a synchronized rhythm they brought down their weapons upon the leader’s head and chopped it off his body. The head rolled off, while the body spurted blood, shook for a while and then went still.

One boy glanced at another and saw a dot on his forehead and a string around his wrist. It was a clear sign that he was a Hindu.

“Why did you kill him? He was of the same religion as yours.”

“In politics my friend, there is no religion – only money. I need to go now, there are more to hunt down.”

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