
The Descendants: Installment 8

The Ravenclaw table erupted in wild cheers. The Griffindor’s looked stun,but none more than James. For two things happened that he could not comprehend.He just lost ten knuts which he will not be able to spend on sweets, and that his younger brother is the only one in his family, mother and father side that has not been in Griffindor.

As James stared from across the Great Hall Albus took his seat next to Servia and Scorpio.

“This is awesome!” said Scorpio
“I know did the sorting hat talk to you too?” Servia questioned
“Yes!” said Albus and Scorpio together.

So the three spent the rest of the feast talking, laughing, and most important of all eating. Albus had never had a better time in his life. Albus had a great family, but he always seemed different that there was something that seperated him and James.

The feast ended and everyone was going up to their respective common rooms. Albus got up when someone tapped his shoulder. It was James. ""Mum and Dad are going to kill you" he said. Albus felt sick.

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