

I ran for my life down another corridor as a fireball burst off the doorway, instantly igniting the old wood. Deadly energy streaked across the roof, engulfing the age-weakened support beams with their crackling rage. I felt the breath sucked straight from my lungs as the heat intensified, absorbing all the moisture and air to fuel its fiery lust.

I reached the top of a staircase that arced down both sides. Already though, both sides were blazing furiously, flames licking hungrily up at me. I took as deep a breath I could, then a leap of faith. Over the railings I fell, landing awkwardly on my ankle. I heard something snap, pain shooting through my body. As I tried to drag myself away, the flames formed a circle, rising into a twister with me at its epicenter.

I tried to cry in fear, but they were sucked away before they were born.
A voice inside my head declared “You cannot escape. You were a fool to run.”
I turned, a pleading look on my face, a split second before the twister collapsed and snuffed me out.

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