
Bent and Broken

Sara stood at the podium, crying.

Two closed coffins wreathed in flowers lay between her and the rest of the black-clad mourners. The two families had thought it appropriate to have one funeral for both kids, seeing as the departed had been best friends for so long.

Sniffling, she took a breath and seemed to take control of herself. “Bobby was my brother. Most of you know that. Knew him. The rest of you probably know that Luis was my b-boyfriend.” A shuddering gasp tore its way past her clenched jaw.

Her voice took on an edge as she spat her next words. “I told them. I told them not to. They said they were just going to have a couple of drinks. I TOLD YOU NOT TO, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?” She screamed the last words and the assembled crowd blanched as one, with embarrassment vying with shock for dominance.

With trembling fingers she pulled from her pocket a crushed metal flask, the only thing that had survived the accident, and deposited it on the cold floor between the two caskets, before stiffly walking away.

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