
A Return'd Lady

The crowd quietened as she took her first step into the ring. Clad in black, a mask of velvet gilded with gold strapped over her eyes, Lady Pandorica advanced to the line of greats. Mutters rippled through the audience of the famed Lady with emerald eyes, who dwelt in the Dark Tower just south of Queen’s Landing. Pandorica said nothing as she reached the centre of the green, her red curls bouncing with each heavy step, made staccato by the injury just below her left ankle. She threw her sword into the sand at the King’s feet and dipped her head, marvelling inwardly at the awesome silence.

The announcer forgot himself for a moment, before stammering out an introduction. “The Lady Pandorica, returned to us after many months from the Wildlands!” A banner of deep purple, adorned with a black viper surrounding slitted emerald eyes, was hoisted beside the other standards, and after a pause a monumental cheer rose up, led by the royal house.

The Lady smiled a tight lipped grin. “It’s good to be home.”

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