
The Uninvited: House Work

Dominic flashed a grin. “Shouldn’t be any problem at all.”

I shook my head. There was a lot of work to be done and very little time before they arrived.

He put his hand on my shoulder. “Trust me.”

“Yeah, okay. Let’s just get this done.”

I opened the trunk of my car and started piling duffel bags full of Home Despot supplies on the ground.

“What is all this crap?” Dominic asked.

“I like to be prepared. Boy scout, remember?”

He rolled his eyes and hefted a bag on to each shoulder. “Living room fine?”


It didn’t take long to unload the car and when we were done, I parked it out of sight.

“Do you know what time sundown is?” I asked, unzipping the first duffel bag.

“Nah, but I can find out.” Dominic said. He pulled his droid out of his jeans, fingers dancing along the face of the touchscreen before he even looked at it. After a moment he gave a grunt of disapproval. Finally he let loose an explosive “Goddamnit!”

“Nevermind,” I said picking up a hand saw, “Ready to do a little home redecorating?”

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