
of friends and enemies.

You were my only friend, Jack…
Todd sniffles in the cold, wipes his nose and rubs his hands together for warmth. The fire has died out, and the chill of the night has set in.

You’ve always been around… Remember college? Before I knew how messed up the world could get?
His breath is wispy in the cutting wind.

Remember when I got married to that bitch? No, wait… remember when I lost my job and couldn’t make the payments on my house… God, I couldn’t have made it without you.
He chuckles, sadly.

And where the fuck are you now? You’ve betrayed me you bastard. I gave you fucking everything… My house, my job, my wife… Everything.
Todd stands up. An uncontrollable rage rises from the pit of his stomach.

It’s not my fault… They wouldn’t stop nagging me. God, they would not fucking stop.
Todd throws an empty bottle at the wall. It shatters, a popping tinkle, drowned in the cacophony of the city.

“I need a FUCKING drink!”

Todd slumps, sobbing.
You’re my worst enemy, Jack.

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