
Emilys Graduation

You’ve got your diploma,
a boyfriend, a job.
You’ve learned how to cook
and not live like a slob,
You put God first,
His kingdom’s number one,
when it comes to growing up
your almost done.
You’ve signed off of computers
you’ve run your course of P.E
with art and language
your time in FINIS,
You’ve 86ed math
you’ve promoted past business,
it’s bon-voyage science,
economics and English,
No more hourse of homework,
no more last minute projects,
no more snoring through
long, unnecissary subjects.
Now there’re taxes, bills, rent
and then more bills too.
Growing up brings so many
more grown up things to do.
So on this new journey
with all the new freedom you pursue,
keep God in your heart and mind
and good friends close to you.
congratulations on arriving at
this long expected quest,
but now the question arrises
Emily, what next?

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