
Amazing Animal

“What are you doing Daddy?”

“I’m trying to write a story.”

“Can I help?” asked my boy, his head on my shoulder.

“Well… What should I write about?”

“How about… you write about… an amazing animal?”

I smiled. “Okay; I don’t know any amazing animals. Do you?”

“The koala is quite amazing,” said the little gentleman. “They have a pouch in their mouth and when food falls into it, it catches that food; and so the koala can regenerate it when there are no eucalyptus leaves around.” Motioning with his hands around his neck. “In other words, it can push the food back up.”

“What else do you know about the koala, son?”

“Well… they eat eucalyptus leaves which are poisonous and well – that’s why they sleep all day. They sleep 20 hours a day! And when they sleep, the poison gets flushed out of their liver and it ends up in the koala’s poop. It’s one of the few animals that can eat eucalyptus leaves.”

“That is amazing, son. Thank you for helping me.”

“You’re welcome, Daddy.”

Maybe I should read non-fiction?

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