
Alien Contact Again

Though the two alien scientists didn’t look particularly human, and though their spoken conversation was outside of my hearing range, I could tell they were arguing over something. Finally one of them took the modified laptop and started typing.

“We are unpleasant” appeared on my screen. I cocked my head in confusion and pressed the button labeled “translation error?”

The other alien took the keyboard and pecked out a new message. “We are sorry.”

“Why?” I responded.

“Not intend contact before you go to Mars. Test of intelligence.”

“We put machines on Mars,” I typed.

Both aliens began vigourously shaking their heads. They had picked up this gesture quickly, and had used it often while trying to establish communications.

I tried a different question: “Why contact us?”

“Not decide by all. By one individual only. Like "

I was surprised when they sent me a YouTube link, then. The short video showed a man at a zoo exhibit, banging on the glass. A sign next to him read “Please do not disturb the animals.”

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