
The Aura: Touch

John blinked a couple times staring at his cat. He imagined it. Of course he did. He kept looking at the glowing rainbow of halos around people’s heads as they crowded by him.

“Are you alright!?” Said a woman by him. She had the brightest blue John had ever seen around her head.

John struggled to stand, straining out the words, “I’m fine. Fine. I feel fine.”

A man to John’s left snorted, with the same bright sapphire blue, he had a phone by his ear, “You are anything but fine, boy. I’m calling for an ambulance. Now sit down & don’t move.”

John frowned but slowly slid back to the ground. The man began talking on the phone. The woman who had asked if he was alright, knelt beside him, her aura shining so bright that John had to squint.

She gasped, “Are you in pain? Any symptoms? Nausea? Dizzines? Shakes? Blurred vision?”

John focused on getting his breathing to normal and closed his eyes with a deep sigh.

“Stay with me.” The woman warned, grasping his hand. Suddenly, her emotions were cascading into him.

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