
Break the cycle...

The cycle starts as a gradual thing
Nothing obvious but it’s there just the same
At firsts it’s a yell or maybe a stern look from mom or dad
Then it grows on it’s own like a bad weed in the grass

When it started you were too young to know this was going to turn out bad
But by the time you’re old and big enough to do something about it, it’s too late
They may never even hit you so it’s hard to convince yourself that it’s abuse
But yelling and screaming and calling your kids names is just that too

Your feelings are hurt you have no idea who to turn to
As it seems everyone is against you
You can’t tell your friends they’d laugh and say suck it up princess
You can’t tell your teacher and go against your parents
Besides that would only make it worse so you suck it up and take it,

By the time you’re an adult that’s how you think you should “discipline” your child
And so the cycle continues with your own flesh and blood…

The cycle starts as a gradual thing
Nothing obvious but it’s there just the same…

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