
Free to Go


The barrel of the gun was cold on the back of Autumn’s head, and she shuddered. Her captor hissed in distaste, pressing the gun harder into the girl’s skin. Autumn drew a breath. Who did she pick…? Her lover, her brothers, her father, her best friend… Who? She couldn’t kill them. Any of them. She couldn’t… she couldn’t…

I’ll count to ten!” Oh God…


Wide amber eyes once more grazed over the five people gathered before her. Her youngest brother smiled, once more pledging his understanding. Her oldest brother smiled, telling her he understood. Her father once more nodded. Her love smiled, telling her how he’d love her no matter what. And her best friend smiled with large cat teeth, telling her it was “all cool”.



Autumn squeezed her eyes shut. “I can’t.”

There’s a click, a bang, then darkness.

Autumn jarred awake. Above her, the dark eyes of a scientist.

“We’re done testing for the day,” the scientist says. “You may leave.”

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