
Hell hath no fury

The revelation made it so much simpler. Hannah looked down on the girl who had made her life miserable for five years and, this time, let the fire well up within her. “Hey! Stupid!” she called. Deb looked up. “You know your name, then?”

Taken slightly aback, it took a second for the familiar sneer to settle on Deb’s face. “What did you call me, lezza? You’d better have your dyke friends close, or you’re dead meat.”

“I’m dead anyway, Deb. You know what? I’m not scared of you any more.” Concentrating, Hannah called a small flame and held it in her hand, waited for it to register with the other girl and shot it forwards, narrowly missing Deb’s head. “Not scared at all.”

“Remember that time you set fire to my hair?” Flames erupted from Deb’s head. She screamed and started to run. “Not so fast, Miss Williams.” Her shoes were next, then her schoolbag, then her skirt and her jacket. Blindly, the stricken girl ran into a tree and fell as the flames engulfed her completely.

“See you in Hell, bitch.”

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