
Is she a Monster?

Cindy continued. "When I swallowed Todd, he was my first real serious boyfriend. We were 19, and been dating for a year. We were both shocked at what I did, him way more than me, and I was scared when I did it. We were both sexually active, so sex wasn’t a trigger event.
“I’m no slut, so I never slept around. I’d be with someone for a few months, then have nobody for a year or two. Some etiquette experts say no kissing until a third date, I didn’t have sex until the 7th or 8th date. Even with you, or did you forget?”
I hadn’t. I’d wanted sex with her the moment we met, and she knew it.
“I was 27 when I took up with Jeremy. I’d never mentioned the “ability” to anyone after Todd, so Fiona didn’t know about it, either. I was a week past my 28th birthday when I discovered them together and…" She started sobbing again, but I stayed on my side of the table, and offered her no comfort, as I might have done a day earlier.
It was also closer to the door. I still felt that I might end up having to make a run for it.

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