
A Clearing

Twigs snap and leaves crackle damply under my wobbling feet.

Suddenly aware of the desert dryness of my mouth.

Hurts to swallow.

When’d I last drink something?

Maybe there’s a river round here.

Cross that bridge later, damn it.

Just run.

I do.

Jelly muscles, raw lungs, the sweat in my eyes tell me I can’t possibly run much more.

Yeah, well, fuck you, body. Fuck you and your limitations. Fuck you and your skin. Fuck you and your hair follicles and the twisted double helix within. You’re a piece of shit and you should just die.

Freud would love me.

Sun’s stabbing my corneas.

Foot loses traction.

Ground comes away from me and the world spins and I’m pounded on all sides until it finally stops and I can look up and see my damage.

I’ve fallen down a steep slope I never saw coming.

Now I’m in a clearing with a bleeding headgash and a twisted ankle and the sun a spotlight.

Clear blue sky.

Chopper rotors whirring far away.

Get up.

You’ve got miles to go before you sleep, you son of a bitch…

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