

Clouds hid the moon. Caleb grabbed his lantern and the arrows he’d prepared. He opened the lantern, dipped an arrow into the flame and shot it into the thatched roof. Five more followed. Screams filled the air. Caleb smiled grimly. Justice was served.
“What’re ya doin’?” His informant glared. “This ain’t the place.”
How did he get here? Caleb shook the man. “But you said….” He sprinted into the cottage. Smoke choked him and stung his eyes. His skin burned. I’m not going to make it.
“You are awake.”
He coughed and opened his eyes. “Am I dead?”
“Who are you?”
Golden eyes stared out of the dim. “We are Guardians. We offer you a gift-or your death.”
“What gift?”
“Knowledge of truth and falsity and of remaining unseen.”
“What’s in it for you?”
“Your redemption.”
Caleb snorted. “What’s the catch?”
“Few will hear you. Fewer still will see you, until you are redeemed.”
“You will find a way. And help many in the process. If you accept.”
He considered his options. “I accept.”

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