
Asbury Park

“This bench has history.”
A response to a question posed by a friend.

Your breath, regular and steady against
my shoulder blade
seemed like a miracle in itself. Your arms around
my neck, a desperate call to attention letting me know
I needn’t go elsewhere, nor could I.

“You remember where you two sat?”
An exasperated sigh from the friend.

You beside me at the dinner table, unable to touch
your food, just giving me that look
that says it all without your lips moving.
Your fingers, hidden beneath the table cloth,
trailing along my thigh. I clench my jaw.

A glance. A nudge. A smile.
A look shared between lovers.

The ocean rolled in ahead. I was unsure
where the sky ended and the waves began.
A question in the sand. A smile spilled ’cross your lips.

Would it be too much to say,
that I wanted this moment to last,
that these feelings you and I harbor stretch on
into the distant future?
But for now, we have only just reunited,
and we have nothing to do
but do nothing with
each other.

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