
Recession - II

Humanity sat at the edge of disintegration. Two boys followed a trail of broken concrete grafted in and between parched vegetation. They walked, past twisted wooden beams and emaciated structures, toward the end; the house at the bottom of a long and forgotten road.

“Please,” the younger boy pleaded. “Not gain.” Tears filled his eyes, “please.”

“Shudup!” He jerked the younger forward. “I do talkin.” The younger stumbled. “Come on.” He pulled again and the younger boy fell. “Geddup!”

“No!” the boy objected. He broke free and crossed his arms. The older one grabbed his legs and drug him by the feet. His head bounced over jutted rock. “Stop. She mean. Stop!” He stopped. “Why? Why you mean?”

“Look!” He pointed behind the younger one. Dark clouds hung above them. The cold wind pierced their rumpled brows. A pungent smell filled the air. “I not mean,” he answered. “Water burns. Member?”

Wet and wounded, under the bedraggled eve of a broken home, they watched the acrid rain fall. The front door opened slowly.

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