
Stockholm Babies We All Are

Big bam baby…
A universy keepin’ us warm
and rockin’ us to sleep.

We grow and see our reflection.
We are individuals.
We are our own.

Stimulated by the colors of
the wind and sand,
the taste of salt and brine of the earth.

We grow and see others.
We are individuals with strong urges to connect.
We connect to somebody who isn’t Mama
and we long for them when they’re away.

When they break our hearts or parish under the weight of the earth,
we search for somebody to blame.
We made God out of the want to blame an invisible body.

God, made of pain, captured us.
Over the years, we have come to love him.
Stockholm babies we’ve become and where do we go from here?

An invisible body of salvation
created by our own minds
fucks us up everyday
and spits down on us
with acid rain and pigeon shit.

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