

Four shadowy figures hushed each other, allowing the sound of crickets to flourish in the silence that surrounded them. Lin played with the questionable piece of bread, she always hated the end. Marlon chewed fiercely, savoring every bite of the fluffy item he just picked apart and passed. Watching everyone else chew, Kerry could not bring herself to do the same, there had to be another way.

“If you don’t want to eat it on your own, I have absolutely no qualms about stuffing it down your ungrateful little throat,” Ryan barked. Kerry’s head snapped up, her eyebrows furrowed. Kerry extended her arm causing Ryan to fly backwards by a force which he could never avoid.

“Fuck you,” Kerry mumbled, her mouth too full for a longer response.

“You wish,” Ryan whispered from behind her. Kerry tried elbowing Ryan with all the force she could muster but instead was left with a pulled muscle. In the blink of an eye, Ryan was across from Kerry again.

“Focus!” Lin said, “Liv’s dead. And we need to bring her back.”

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