
Ascension II: The Great Awakening

The stolen shuttle chirped to life as the hyperspace exit countdown crossed 2 hours. Lights on panels, life support systems and navigation all went live. The human, and part human cargo still slumbered, but cryo-pods altered the mix and flow of key bodily fluids and gasses. Awakening would happen, that was for sure.

Nothing else was guaranteed though.

The shuttle had nearly reached normal space far from Earth. The Jumpgate back in Terran orbit had been hacked by Shwartz’ on board team. The records at USNE FTL Control would show they jumped to the common and crowded Eridani Confluence. In reality, the shuttle was just hours away from an unknown wormhole exit near to Tau Bootis.

All this meant nothing to Shwartz as his implants stood ready for the Awaken order. His plan, through phase 1 and 2, would now embark on its final milestone, access to the Synod homeworld. There, if his plan held merit, he would gain audience with the bishop himself and put in motion his ascension.

Eternal Power awaited.

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