
Vlad, Zombie Killer

He hated zombies. They were competition, of a sort. At least, when they got what they wanted, it screwed any chance of him getting what he wanted. So he hacked and ripped away at the horde of zombies, only a few of which actually noticed that he was there. Now that they were mostly armless, they posed little threat. They generally can’t figure out how to get up off their faces without arms. And while it was fun to see zombies bleed, their blood was no good to him. It lacked that essential spark, sparkle, vivacity, whatever. He refocused on his goal, the three teenagers taking refuge in the near-collapsed tool shed. One of them was bleeding, maybe from a nail sticking out of the wall. The sight of the human’s blood made his blood boil. The genuine article! He feeds well tonight.

Maybe zombies aren’t all that bad. Zombies are certainly easier to deal with than humans. And with people so busy fighting zombies, nobody seems to have time for hunting vampires anymore.

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