
Friends with Benefits

I’d agreed when he suggested we be friends with benefits. He was my best friend, and it was easier than the hassle of dating; safer, too as we both knew each other’s histories. It was amazing; we could talk about anything, share our likes and fantasies without worrying about the judgment or being dumped.

Then she came along and ruined it. The first day she walked into our Lit 103 class I saw his eyes follow her, and the way his jaw hung open. I’d seen it before, that night I wore the outfit he picked and pretended to protest as he seduced me.

He cut me off, made excuses not to hang out. Because of her, he didn’t want to see me anymore, as though she’d think we were together if we stood too close. He started talking to her after class, sitting in the caf and having coffee with her.

So I stopped by his dorm after class today, wanting to talk and find some way of getting my friend back. And there they were, wrapped around each other.

It’s worse than a break up; I can’t even go to my best friend for comfort.

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