
Tales from the Afterlife Waiting Station

For Megan.

Somewhere between the stars the light up the open sky and seldom seen during the orangy glow of magic hour that hovers between light and dark there is a place where we gather once our journey on Earth has ended and it is here where you make and reflect on your final decisions. A train station for the dead (at least that is how the romantic imagines it in his dream). Here he sits watching as people get on and off, strangers each of them but there is also an air of familiarity between each person, as if each person can be connected as they get on and off the train, it is here at the Afterlife Waiting Station, the romantic sits and admires the scenery, clouds gently guide the train along, he see’s people from his past about to board a train but maybe most importantly to him he see’s her down the other end, her eyes sparkle like the stars around them. She calls to him and he follows her voice as she disappears with the train taking with her, his last chance, one of many chances that haunts him.

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