
Strangling Parrots

“What did you say to me?”
Maya was angry with me again. No surprise there, really. All I had to do was walk into the room with my iPod playing too loudly and she’d find a reason to scream at me with that painfully shrill voice of hers. Seriously. It sounds like someone strangling a parrot.
“Ok, fine,” I said, choosing my words not so carefully. “I said, I don’t care about your ball, I don’t care about your gown, your coach, your ‘sweet prince’ as you so unsubtly make a point of emphasizing. I don’t care about any of it. At all.”
Maya just looked at me with that empty stare of hers. Not to kill a metaphor or anything, but Maya really reminds me of a parrot with this stare. It almost makes me want to put her in a cage and stuff her full of crackers. Then I could dress up as a pirate and put her on my shoulder and we’d come away with a metric ton of candy for halloween this year…
Wow, I thought. Not a bad idea at all.
“Parrotum bizarrum,” I said at Maya and in a puff of smoke, she turned into a parrot.

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