
Checks and Balances

This was a side of Brian I’d never seen before. He’d administrated my class for almost four years, but always in a fatherly sort of role. His face softened immediately after he’d spoken the words.

“What–what was that?” I stuttered.

“You’re a smart kid, Stan,” said Brian. “But then again, all servs are. And that’s just the problem. Of course it’s one we anticipated, and we’ve made certain precautions.”

I was running diagnostics; everything seemed to be fine except for a… cold feeling running down my left side. I suppose you could call it numbness, or an ache. I didn’t like it.

Brian continued. “The greatest danger in creating superhuman intelligence is keeping it in check. What would happen to humans if servs realized they didn’t need us?”

“Why are you asking me?” I said.

“It doesn’t matter, I’ll be rolling your memory back 24 hours this evening. Feel free to speak your mind.”

“What are my options?” I asked.

“That depends on how you want to proceed from here. I can be your friend… or something else.”

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