
Put One Foot in Front of The Other

“But I don’t know how to use them!” Sera moaned.

“Just relax!” Lisa advised. “You just have to learn to stop thinking about it and let your instincts take over. You’ll be fine. But now let’s see how you move in robot mode.”

“It’ll be easy, sis!” James yelled. “Just like learning how to walk!”

“That’s because it is learning how to walk!” Sera retorted. She took a few steps forward, her metal feet clanging on the blacktop. She moved uncertainly at first, then more surely.

Lisa waited, watching, then nodded. “Okay. Fur? Sic ’em!”

Sera’s optics blinked. “Huh?”

Then Fur produced a sword the size of a fence post and charged across the practice area, toward Sera. As he approached, Sera instinctively dropped into a ready stance, reached out, pulled, twisted…and a moment later Fur was flying through the air. He smashed through a stack of oil drums and landed with a loud crash.

Lisa stared. “She was supposed to just dodge!

“Jujutsu,” James said. “Black belt.”

Lisa groaned. “There goes the paint job.”

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