
P.C. 2

June 15, 4024

Sorry for not finishing my story last night, after ingestion we got our daily download. I read about this thing called TV the 20th century had. Apparently they got rid of that because children spent more time on something called a couch than they did doing homework. After 2 thousand years of time its kind of hard to relate to things Ive never heard of. for entertainment we dont have anything called a moving picture, not even holograms, no interaction of any kind whatsoever. In fact, if anyone found out I was even using my hands right now I would be in deep trouble. You see, after a series of disastrous masturbating fatalities hands were no longer allowed to be used for anything, including eating. There were also a lot of fatalities due to forks and spoons. We dont have those, but ive seen them, so at least i know what they are. we arent even allowed to see a working tv. Everything in this life is so controlled. They had it so good back then. I long to ride a skateboard, or drive a car. gtg. l8.

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